
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grace Ware Holbrook Ancestral Chart 1

Here is an ancestral chart that was filled out by my grandmother, Grace Ware Holbrook. Lots of information here that I need to document and source. These old charts are some of my favorite genealogy notes that were handed down by my grandmother. Surnames on this chart include: Holbrook, Goodhue, Knowlton, Edwards, Nourse, Mason, Parker, Ware, Cabot, Rogers, Sabin, Mayes, Brooks, Forman, Tufts, Wyckoff

© 2010, copyright William C. Haskell

1 comment:

  1. This chart is wonderful. I see a lot of connections to my own family tree. Mercy Tufts is a descendant of many of my ancestors (Peter Tufts, George Fowle) and Thomas Brooks is a descendant of James Boutwell, my 8x great grandfather.
