Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Goodhue Family - William Goodhue 2d

This is a continuation of a previous blog post about the Goodhue family.

     William Goodhue 2d, b. 1645 at Ipswich m. Hannah Dane, dau. of Rev. Francis Dane of Andover, who founded the Academy, which afterwards became Phillips Academy of that place. After this marriage the name of Francis appears, doubtless in remembrance of Rev. Francis Dane, among the descendants of William and Hannah Goodhue. In the Brattleboro branch of the family it has appeared for seven generations. William Goodhue 2d. was also deacon and a prominent member of the community, respected, useful and beloved.
     He was ensign in 1683, and Captain in Col. Appleton's Regiment. See p. 471 Register of Society of Colonial Wards, 1706-07-08. Verified by W. K. Watkins, Genealogist.
     His minister, the famous John Wise, with five others of his church, William Goodhue, Robert Kinsman (an ancestor of ours on the female line), John Andrews, John Appleton and Francis French, protested against an illegal taxation by Gov. Andros, and were lodged in jail at Boston for three weeks awaiting trial. Rev. John Wise was fined fifty pounds and costs. This was paid by the town of Ipswich, together with fines for the five others, which reimbursed them for expenses incurred during trial.
     The Rev. John Wise is called the Founder of American Democracy, and the one who first developed the idea of "no taxation without representation" one hundred years before the American Revolution.William Goodhue 2d. lived on the farm given to him by his father, consisting of a dwelling house, other buildings, orchards, gardens, and 82 acres of land. These were in Chebacco, now Essex. His grave was visited in September 1903 by Mrs. Henry Van Kleeck (Ellen Brooks Goodhue). It is under an evergreen near the stone table monument to the Rev. John Wise. Although slightly broken, it has fine lines, and unusual ornamentation. Mrs. Van Kleeck's visit to the town of Ipswich was of great interest to her, it being a beautiful old town, full of historic importance in the early days of the Colony. Courtesy and attention were received from Rev. Frank Waters, who as President of the Historical Society, and author of a historical work on Ipswich, is doubtless the best authority on genealogy in the town. The Goodhue family once so numerous in Ipswich has few representatives of the name today, although one of the farms adjacent to town is owned and has been by one of the name in unbroken line since the day when William the first settler bought it from the Indians. The history of the line descended from Francis Goodhue, the first of the name to settle in the Valley of the Connecticut, is derived from the town Histories of Winchendon, Mass., Swanzey, N.H., Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Brattleboro, Vermont, all of which can doubtless be found at the Historical Society rooms, 18 Somerset St., Boston.
     The two generations now follow at Ipswich of which we have no detail beyond dates.

© 2011, copyright William C. Haskell

1 comment:

  1. We didn't have a match on the Haskells, but William Goodhue and Hannah Dane are my 8x great grandparents. John Andrews is my 8x great grandfather, too. Also Robert Kinsman is an 8x great grand uncle (I descend from his sister Mary). I enjoyed this post!
