Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Children of Eliphalet & Mary (Woodman) Haskell

I am in the process of transcribing the vital records for the town of New Gloucester, Maine prior to 1892. Today I came across the original birth records for the children of my 4th great grandparents, Eliphalet and Mary (Woodman) Haskell as recorded by Jabez Woodman, who was the Town Clerk at that time. The following image is the page from the original record book, followed by the transcription

[page] 68
Moses Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife was born in New Gloucester September 8th Anno Domini 1777
Hannah Haskell daughter of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife was born in New Gloucester on the 12th of August AD 1779
Moses Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester December 12th, 1780
Eliphalet Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester Jan. 27th, 1782
Jacob Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife, born in New Gloucester Octr 30th 1783
Polly Haskell daughter of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife, born in New Gloucester March 4th 1785
Amos Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester March 26th, 1787
Bethulah Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester Jany 25th, 1789
Stephen Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife, born in New Gloucester Augt 4th 1792
Sally Haskell daughter of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife, born in New Gloucester July 11th, 1794
Peleg Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife, born in New Gloucester July 22d, 1796
George Haskell son of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester Augt 25th 1798
Louisa Haskell daughter of Eliphalet Haskell and Mary his wife born in New Gloucester April 18th, 1800
Recorded March 18th, 1822, By me Jabez Woodman Town Clerk

My 3rd great grandfather is Amos Haskell.

Does anyone have any information on the name "Bethulah"? I have always thought this to be a female, but the Town Clerk listed this child as a son. I was unable to locate anything definitive based on a quick search on the internet. If anyone has further information, I would be happy to hear from you.

Source: A Book of Record of Births for New Gloucester in County of Cumberland Commonwealth of Massachusets from 1771 to 1865. Image taken from original record book on 12 Apr 2011 by William C. Haskell. Original record book located in Town Office, Town of New Gloucester, Maine.

© 2011, copyright William C. Haskell