Monday, September 29, 2014

Family Records - Goodhue, Clark, Armstrong Surnames

More family records for the Goodhue, Clark and Armstrong surnames.

Here is the transcription:

Other Relatives. Births.

Children of
Francis Goodhue, Jr., and Elizabeth Evans Goodhue:
Mary Brooks Goodhue, born in Germantown, Pa., March 23, 1893.
Francis Goodhue, 3rd, born in Germantown, Pa., June 10, 1894.
Wister Evans Goodhue born in Germantown, Pa., June 8, 1896.
Elizabeth Evans Goodhue born in Germantown, Pa. Nov. 29, 1899.
Margaret [blank]

Anna Holbrook Clark (daughter of JK & Margaret Holbrook Clark) born at New York City Jan'y 19, 1904.
John Kirkland Clark (son of JK & Margaret Holbrook Clark) born at New York City April 12, 1906.
Marion Holbrook Clark (daughter of JK & Margaret Holbrook Clark) born at New York City

Percy Holbrook Armstrong, son of Edward C. & Emerline H. Armstrong born at Baltimore, Md. April 7, 1906.

© 2014, copyright William C. Haskell

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Captain William S. Brooks 1820 Journal - Page 3

Here is page #3 from an 1820 journal written by my third great grandfather, Captain William Smith Brooks. You can find the second page of this diary here: Diary page 2.

Here is the transcription:

the Lake is truely romantic and
beautifull [sic] Tole at bridge25
Turnpikes at Sunday Gates45
To Dinner at Waterloo Village
here are a large number of flour
mills Trip hammers & no place can
be better Situated for Manufacturing
14 Slept at Geneva. Supper etc1.00
15 Canandaigua. 16 miles to Breakfast
and dinner, Left some clothes to be
wash'd Stage 1.00
16 arrived at Lima called on Mrs
Nancy Bristol. found 4 fine Children
17th Went to Avon and called on Mrs
Peirce. found 2 Children, and both
well situated7.25[?]
17. On Saturday morning took Stage
for Bufaloo [sic], on the way call'd on
Mr. Sam'l Albree saw him & wife
arrived at Buffaloo [sic] at 5 PM. On
18 Sunday morning to Stage for Niagra
falls. arrived at the falls at 2 PM
spent the remainder of the day in
crossing of to the British Side & [to be continued]
© 2014, copyright William C. Haskell

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

More Goodhue, Holbrook and Other Family Marriage Records

 Here are more family marriage records for the Goodhue and Holbrook families. Other surnames include: Edwards, Cune, Hall, Brooks, Bull, Chapin, Nourse, Draper, Roberts, Bartlett, Chalmers, Kleek or Kleeck, and Evans.

Unfortunately, I do not have definitive information on who prepared these family records, other than I found them in an envelope labeled "Genealogy Papers by Franklin Fessenden Holbrook, Mary Rogers Cabot, Frederick Cabot Holbrook and Aunt Lina [Emerline Mason Holbrook]". These documents were found in a storage room in an ancestral home located in Brattleboro, Vermont.

Here is the transcription:


Joseph Goodhue and Sarah Edwards, married in Northampton, Mass, Nov 2nd, 1815.
William P. Cune and Mary Ann Goodhue, married in Brattleboro, Vt, Aug 25th 1834.
Frederick Holbrook and Harriet S. Goodhue, married in Brattleboro, Vt, January 13, 1835.
Chauncey A. Hall and Lucy W. Goodhue, married in Brattleboro, Vt, December 12, 1838.
Francis Goodhue and Mary E. Brooks, married in Brattleboro, Vt, October 26, 1847.
Albert H. Bull and Sarah F. Goodhue, married in Brattleboro, Vt, November 14, 1849.
Dr. Edward R. Chapin and Sarah G. Bull, married in Brattleboro, Vt, November 12, 1873.

Franklin F. Holbrook and Anna E. Nourse, married in Boston, Mass, May 17th, 1860.
Frank E. Draper and Mary G. Cune, married in Brattleboro, Vt, Sept 17, 1863.
Joseph G. Hall and Lizzie B. Roberts, married in Boston, Mass, April 17, 1867.
William C. Bartlett and Julia H. Cune, married in Brattleboro, Vt, Nov 8, 1866.
William C. Holbrook and Anna M. Chalmers, married in New York, N.Y. Jan'y 17, 1872.
Henry Van Kleek and Ellen B. Goodhue, married in Brattleboro, Vt, [no date]
Francis Goodhue Jr. and Elizabeth Evans, married in Germantown, Pa, June 15, 1892.

Great GrandChildren.
Frederick Holbrook 2nd and Grace Cabot, married in Bratto, Vt, Apr. 12/[18]87.
John Kirkland Clark and Margaret Chalmers Holbrook, married in New York City, June 15/[19]03.
Emerline Mason Holbrook and Edward Cook Armstrong, married in New York City, June 8, 1905.

© 2014, copyright William C. Haskell

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Captain William S. Brooks 1820 Journal - Page 2

 Here is page #2 from an 1820 journal written by my third great grandfather, Captain William Smith Brooks. You can find the first page of this diary here: Diary page 1.

In this diary, he primarily lists the places he visited, boarded, ate meals etc, although in later pages he becomes a little more verbose in his descriptions.

Here is the transcription (please let me know if you can determine the last word in the fourth line down):

Lebanon Springs Board etc.2.90
Nausua Breakfast60
8 Albany. Dinner & Horse Credendosy[?]1.13
8 Waterford Sleep at Hulls1.16
9 Hulls Breakfast37
9 Schenectady Sleep etc.1.25
9 Amsterdam Abbott Sleep81
11 Johnstown Anderson B-38
11 Oppingham Nelles. Dinner25
10 Little falls Morgon Sleep1.36
Schyler Peacock40
11 Deerfield. Biddlecom. Dinner25
Sunday toles60
11 Utica Sleep. Bags1.13
12 West Moreland Crarys Break.34
12 Lenox. Blosson Dinner etc63
12 Chestewingo Cary’d Lodge etc1.44
Here it rained and I took the Stage1.12
To Phillips in Manulius 16 Miles to
Dinner Horse Shod1.69
14 Mercellus Sleep84
14 Auburn Breakfast50
On this route I pass’d Cauga [probably Cayuga] Bridge over 1 Mile long here the prospect of [to be continued]

© 2014, copyright William C. Haskell